Monday, October 24, 2011

Mission: 1 (10/11/11)

Diane Beckwith and I have just returned with some of our youth group from a trip to Heifer Project’s Overlook Farm, where we learned about hunger and poverty around the world. Nick Supron was inspired by a world map exercise to help us think about how to reduce our consumption. Amy Milner and her friend Mia became Kenyans for a night, and Nick Supron, Justin Milner and his friend Will were Guatemalans. They cooked meals over an open fire, carried their own water, and milked goats. We all came back inspired, ready to take action to address hunger and poverty in the world. And lucky for us, the congregation and our whole denomination are taking part in an effort to do just that!

The whole United Church of Christ is on a mission to feed the hungry and confront food-related injustice. This UCC-wide campaign is the first 11 days of November, and we’re starting early, so we’ll have plenty of time to reach our goals!
By 11/11/11 (one month from today), we hope to:
  • Gather 1,111+ cans of food to donate to Kitchen Cupboard and the food pantry at the Baptized Church of Jesus Christ.
  • Contribute $1,111+ to address hunger needs in the US and West Africa.
  • Send 111+ letters calling on our Senators and Representatives to make hunger a priority.

This Sunday, bring canned goods, and we’ll have an opportunity to pack lunches for people without homes and to write letters to our elected representatives.

From the United Church News: “The entire United Church of Christ will make good on its "that they may all be one" motto with a coordinated mission campaign to gather more than one million food and household items for local food banks and marshal its 5,300 congregations to advocate collectively — and loudly — for hunger-related causes, both domestically and around the world.

"In a nutshell, 'One united church on a shared mission for 11 powerful days to feed the hungry and confront food-related injustice' is the centerpiece of this major push that we are launching today," the Rev. Geoffrey A. Black, the UCC's general minister and president, told United Church News. "If you've ever yearned for the whole UCC to walk hand in hand to achieve a common goal, this is the answer to that prayer."  

So join us in this effort – we CAN make a difference! And be sure to check out these other opportunities to be engaged in the life of our church – including this Saturday’s work bee (drop in for as much or as little time as you can), Wednesday’s men’s breakfast and Searching for Jesus study, Thursday’s handbell and choir practices, Sunday’s Lunches of Love and Lunch Bunch, and next Monday’s women’s study group and Spirit: Uncorked. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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