Monday, October 24, 2011

Occupied (10/18/11)

Remember that Buffalo Springfield song, For What It's Worth? “There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear….Stop, children, what’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down.” We may not be sure what it is or what it means, but something is definitely happening, and it’s not going away.

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman says people are saying this is either the beginning of the “Big Disruption” or part of the “Big Shift.” It’s up to us to decide. When we have moments like this in our culture, how do we respond?

Throughout his ministry, Jesus preached that the kin-dom of heaven is among us. In other words, we are occupied by God’s spirit. These are kin-dom moments, inflection points, when we have the opportunity to stop, look, and respond in ways that create lasting change for the common good.

There’s something happening in our church, too. Last Sunday I watched people of all ages pack meals for hungry people in Ithaca, and then sit down to write letters urging our elected officials to pay attention and take action to confront hunger and food-related injustice. Andrew Spearman and the Suprons wrote about hunger from their perspectives, and Maggie DeGraff and Ellen Ross wrote about their experiences working in schools.

Last night, 12 of us gathered for Spirit:Uncorked to talk about spiritual and physical hunger, and we concluded with an impromptu communion service. New visitors continue to show up on a weekly basis, and we’re working to incorporate them into the life of the church. There’s something happening here! The Spirit is occupying our church, and we can either think of it as the “Big Disruption” or the “Big Shift.” You decide.

Join us for all that’s happening, and have a great week.

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