Google 'scouts' and you will discover the familiar US Scout emblems and an amazing array of emblems from all around the world. And for every country represented (and many more), you can know that there are adults working with young people and young people working with each other to create a generation of leaders. These are young people who are learning how to work with others, how to build character, how to engage in their communities..... These are young people who are learning how to tie knots and how to sell cookies. These are young people who will become adults who are better citizens because of their scouting experiences.
Sunday is Scout Sunday at FCC (and everywhere). We celebrate our young people and the adults who are dedicated to scouting. So, our scouts will participate in worship and the adults will show up in their uniforms (if they can still fit into them)! And we can all be grateful for the ways that our church has supported scouting over many years. We can all celebrate the ways that we continue to support scouting, for we are part of this web around the world and even across the aisles of our church that is building the future! So, on Sunday, be sure to greet and encourage our scouts and be sure to thank the uniformed adults. We're glad they're here!
Blessings for the week ahead - Laura Lee
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