Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Soul Food....Summer Reads

My mother believed that God spoke to her through books - always sent the right one and the right time in her life. She called books "Soul Food" and taught me to see all the ways that my life is enriched and my faith is deepened through reading - the Bible, devotionals, theology, history and even mysteries or science fiction.

This summer, I hope all of you will choose at least one book that is "Soul Food" for you - something that will nourish your faith and help you to grow as a Christian and as a part of this community of Christians. Manda & I are developing a list that we'll share with all of you soon - a glimpse of our own versions of "Soul Food". And, we'll begin with a couple that we strongly recommend:
       "The Heart of Christianity" by Marcus Borg - while not a new book, it is a very important one for all 21st Century Christians.
       "Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son" by Anne Lamott an inspirational reflection on parenting and grand-parenting, by one of my favorite lay theologians.

       "Growing an Engaged Church: How to Stop 'Doing Church' and Start Being the Church Again" by Albert L. Winseman 

And, Of course, a bit of poetry - 

        "Thrall: Poems" by Natasha Trethewey" - our nation's newest Poet Laureate 

Happy reading, Happy growing - Laura Lee

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