This week, I invite you to read "Preparing Ourselves for Worship" on the Alban Institute website. Here is an excerpt:

"Few of us give much thought to entering worship. On most Sundays, we consider ourselves fortunate to get out of bed, locate suitable clothing, swallow some coffee, and glance at the newspaper before scrambling out the door, driving to church, and sliding into the pew in time for the prelude. Add children, a partner, a spouse, or out-of-town guests to the mix, and the minimal goal of arriving in time for the first hymn may be the best one can do. At this pace, we might finally feel centered enough to "enter" worship toward the end of the sermon, or maybe not until the final hymn....
Preparing for worship entails three steps:
slowing down, making a transition, and
warming up.
If we play an instrument, we set aside time before we perform for
playing scales or other preparatory exercises. If we play a sport,
dance, or practice yoga, we take time to warm up, elevate our heart
rate, and stretch properly. These preparations help us make the most of
our practice or performance because they help us move our focus from
other parts of life to the activity at hand so that we can engage in it
more fully. Worship demands this same preparation."
Click here to read the whole article...I hope to worship with you on Sunday!
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