People get ready, there's
a train a comin'
You don't need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord
You don't need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord
Some of you may remember this hit by Curtis
Mayfield as I do. There is a train a
comin' to FCC -
Fortunately, 'you don't need no ticket' to
get on this amazing train and we can all certainly 'thank the Lord' for this
opportunity to serve hungry children' and our community.
Some important things you all need to know
about and some particular ways that you can help:
1. VOLUNTEER - We need to have 20 - 25
people to help with setting up on Thursday and 20-25 more to help with clean up
on Sunday afternoon. We also need 10-12 Support Team volunteers to help with
each shift throughout the weekend.
SIGN-UP here:
OR call Jessie at the office and she will
sign you up!
2. T-SHIRTS - We are hoping all FCC folks
who will be packing and volunteering as part of our Support Team will wear an
FMSC t-shirt - they are in the office for $10 each.
3. WORSHIP ON SUNDAY 9/9 - Since many of us
will be volunteering on Sunday morning, FMSC will be using the sanctuary and
there will be a lot of noise, Manda, Laura Lee, the Worship Committee and the
Youth have planned a worship service for FCC members at the pavilion at Cass
Park at 10:00 a.m. - We will sing, pray, experience God's Word, celebrate
communion and share in a simple 'Manna Pack Meal (just like the ones we are
packing). Join us for this time of worship and fellowship for all ages.
Pack will feed children who do not live in our country. The planning Team and
Outreach Committee are asking us to be mindful of those who are hungry right
here at home. So, when you come to volunteer, please bring non-perishable food
items that will be given to the Kitchen Cupboard and to the food pantry at the
Baptized Church of Jesus Christ!
Remember there's a train a comin' and
"You don't need no baggage, you just get on board!"
Blessings - Laura Lee
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