Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Over the Rainbow

It's time again for our annual Foote Lectures - and this year, we will build on something we started last year: partnering with other congregations in the area. Last year, the presentations and conversations with Greg Mobley and Rabbi Jack Moline sparked additional collaboration between our congregation and Temple Beth El. And they inspired me and Syed to take a similar approach in our exploration of the relationships between Abraham, Sarah and Isaac, and Hagar and Ishmael. Throughout this past year, I've seen our congregation continue to engage with people of other faiths and explore how we might work together to strengthen our community and our world.

This year, we have an exciting opportunity to gather together with people from St. Paul's United Methodist Church and First Baptist Church of Ithaca.  Last Friday, a young man from Ithaca College interviewed me for a journalism project on LGBTQ-affirming churches. We spoke about our shared concern that the media privileges religious voices that do not affirm all people - and the need for progressive religious leaders and congregations to be more visible. 

A few weeks ago, Ellie Kraft-Sanders, Rose Mandl, Ray Edwin, and I went to a workshop for area UCC Open and Affirming (ONA) congregations and those considering the ONA process. We were inspired by churches who have been ONA for decades as well as those who are just beginning the conversation. Andy Lang, Director of the UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns, spoke about their work to help ONA congregations form stronger connections with one another. Another presenter shared her research and work on bullying in schools, and she spoke about the importance of congregations as safe spaces for youth. And if you ever come to my office or go up to the youth room, you'll see that Diane and I have posters that say "This is a safe space where you can talk about" a long list of topics. Ellie, Rose, Ray and I came away from that workshop with some new energy about our ONA values, and the Foote Lectures offer another opportunity to explore that.

The Foote Lectures will include a Sunday night lecture at 7pm at First Baptist Church and a Monday night lecture at 7 pm at our church. We will hear from Dr. Melanie Duguid-May, from Colgate-Rochester Crozer Divinity School, and Dr. David Mellott, from Lancaster Theological Seminary - "Over the Rainbow: Two Lectures Leading Us into Community by Exploring Gender in a New Day." In addition, Dr. Mellott will be our guest preacher in worship on Sunday.

I think this year, like last year, will be energizing and fruitful for our congregation and for our community. As a congregation, this is an opportunity to explore how we are living into our open and affirming commitments. And I imagine that we will strengthen our relationship with our partnering congregations, so that we can all work together to make an impact in our community.

Get the full schedule and read more about the presenters on our website:

I hope to see you - and your friends - there this weekend!

Have a lovely week,
Many blessings,

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