Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Paradox of Easter

It was a real joy to celebrate Easter with all of you! From the signs of new life in the cemetery at sunrise, to the smiles on the children's faces, to Laura Lee's exhortation to pick up where Mark's Gospel left off and tell the good news, to the glorious Hallelujah chorus...I left feeling uplifted and hopeful.

I was especially struck, though, by the paradox of celebrating resurrection in the cemetery. But isn't that what Easter is? It's a paradox, this faith in resurrection and faith that God has conquered death, while death still happens all around us, and we still live with the pain of loss.

As you all know, I have had some losses in my own life recently, and our church has also experienced losses these past few months. I've been reading a lot of online resources about grieving, and I found this reflection by Jeffrey Reed helpful. I hope you will, too. Have a blessed week, and wherever you find yourself - I hope that you are guided by faith and that you feel embraced by our church community, for you are loved.


This reflection by Jeffrey Reed was posted by Nancy Weil on her blog at Legacy Connect. Click here to read her posts.

May Faith Guide You

During the season of Lent we are asked to sacrifice, we also sacrifice during the grief process. The word sacrifice means: the giving up of something valued or important. During the grief process both pre- and post-death we are asked to sacrifice and we do so freely. Our day-to-day routines change, our social life goes on hold as we shuttle back and forth from the doctor or the hospital visits. While the Lenten season is measured in days forty (40) the grief process has its own time frame... Forever! The grief we endure with the loss of a loved one will never go away. The pain and hurt we feel will slowly lessen. We get BY; we do what we have to do, we trudge along. As we get BETTER the days do not seem to be as long and we begin to see glimpses of whom we were prior to our loss. Then we get BEYOND; it is not that we forget those that we loved, we still miss their smile, their tender touch and their voice still resonates in our ears and heart.

Hope brings us through this period of adjustment. Our faith continues to guide us, our prayers never stop and we hope that the new life we have been left with will be as rewarding as the one we just lost. We need to mourn at our own pace, our time table may not be the same as someone else’s and that is OK. There is no calendar for grief, you are in control and it is you who turns the pages as the days, weeks and months go by.

As we journey through this life change we need to take care of ourselves spiritually, physically and mentally as we adapt to our new life without the one we loved. We need to keep in mind that God is much kinder and gentler on us than we are on ourselves. We take on new tasks and responsibilities that our loved one once took control of. While stressful at times, this learning curve will work itself out.

The resurrection of Jesus symbolized eternal life granted to those who believed in him. The same holds true for those we have loved and lost. They will always be with us in our hearts, our mind and our soul. There is new life after death; your life will take on new meaning, a new direction and a new purpose.

We need to let our faith guide us through the grief process. We need to keep reminding ourselves that the strong love we have for God will allow us to keep our love strong for those who have passed before us.

No one needs to travel the path of grief alone. Take the hand of those who have extended their help and support. Embrace your life with the same vigor you did when you met that special someone. Remember Jesus died and then rose again for you!

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